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07 July 2012 | 5:57:00 PM | 4 weird people

First time follow rasanya 5 hari lepas kot.....Haha Miss Iqah dah lupa lar....Feeling Miss Iqah first time masuk blog En.Hazwan Hairy nie yek....Apew yek.....Haha blog yang chumel tuk sorang lelaki....Blog yang dihiasi penuh dengan lukisan kartun yang kiut....Hope blog En.Hazwan Hairy nie kan terus mendapat sambutan k.....

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Spectacles Said

Welcome to Spectacle world . Please don't copy anything here . Because all entry is my own idea and please respect it......And Sorry If My Entry In Bahasa Rojak...Hahaha...And Please Leave me a nice speak at my cbox ^^ Feel free to navigate around here :)

CURRENTLY : Spectacles
STATUS : Harap maaf kerna entri yang tidak diupdate..Miss spectacles sedang busy study buat masa ini. Harap maaf!!!

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